October 22-25 2024
Dear colleagues,
Department of Thermal Engineering of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Niš and the Society of Thermal Engineers of Serbia, continuing scientific research in the field of Energy – Efficiency – Ecology – Economy, successfully organized the International Conference on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia – SIMTERM 2024, under the patronage of the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia.
As it was expected, SIMTERM 2024 gathered researchers, engineers, experts, representatives of local and central government, and companies from Serbia and abroad interested in the exchange of scientific and practical information and experience from the thematic fields.
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia are now available for download.
President of the Organizing Committee
Prof. Mirjana Laković, PhD
Energy is today and will be one of the most important factors for the development of society as a whole in the future. Achieving energy sustainable development, increasing energy efficiency in all areas of production and consumption of all forms of energy, together with intensifying efforts to preserve the environment, is imperative for all states and humanity as a whole.
In this regard, the Conference SIMTERM 2024 is striving to bring together scientists, engineers, and businessmen from a wide range of disciplines in the energy production band, to jointly examine the results achieved so far, and set goals for the future.
Abstract submission
Abstract acceptance notice
Archival paper submission
Conference paper submission
All papers received by the deadline will be included in the process of the first reviews. For each paper, the reviewers will define in which category the paper is accepted:
- In the CONFERENCE PAPER category (printed in the Proceedings, after the presentation at the Conference)
- In the ARCHIVAL PAPER category (printed in the Proceedings, after the presentation at the Conference and referred to further review by one of the partner journals) All papers submitted after May 26th, 2024 will be reviewed, but only as CONFERENCE PAPER (without the possibility of referring to the special issue of the journal).
Papers should be submitted to simterm@masfak.ni.ac.rs
Required dimensions for posters: width=80 cm, height=100 cm.
Oral presentation duration is limited to 15 min.
Facta Universitatis
Thermal Science
International Scientific Journal
The Symposium is going to be held in Niš.
Modern-day Niš is an important center in Serbia. With a population of more than 250.000 people, it is the third largest city in the country.
The Serbian city of Niš has been a gate connecting the East and the West ever since it was established. Even nowadays, driving down the roads through Niš is the shortest way to reach the Middle East from Europe, or cities like Sofia and Istanbul from Vienna, Budapest, or Prague. In its rich history, Niš was even the birthplace of a great emperor.
There was always something magical about Niš. Exotic and mystical East and reserved but elegant West are nowhere so well reconciled as they are here.
Niš is at a crossroads. It is on the European route E-75 which comes from Hungary and branches in two directions: in the south towards Macedonia and Greece (E-80) and the west through the valley of Nišava River, towards Bulgaria, Turkey and further towards the Middle East. In Niš the roads separate to the northwest and southwest of the country.
Besides numerous historical sites, you shouldn’t miss walking down the city’s main street tasting the Serbian cuisine, and having lunch in one of its well-known “kafanas” (Serbian traditional taverns).
Niška banja (the Spa of Niš) is located just 10 km away from the city, and Sićevačka klisura (the Sićevo gorge) is also near.